
Wednesday, 31 July 2019


There once was a kid called Lock,
He carried a lot of rocks,
He dropped it on the ground,
And he saw that they were brown,

He ran sobbing to Mr Wok.

The Fat Teacher
1. There once lived a teacher that’s fat,
She sat on the whole mat,
She covered the ground and made a sound,
And sounded like rat,
All the kids stared at her and acted like a cat.

Friday, 26 July 2019

Life Of A Mice

Image of black and white mouseIn a little cottage lived a family of 4 mice. The mother and
father wanted the youngest named Ethan to
find seeds, grains, and fruits. He was excited
because it was going to be his first time to see
the real world but when he left he didn’t see the
real world as he pictured it in his head. He brought
home 2 dirty seeds and watched his mother and father
eat. As they took their first bite both of them shouted at
Ethan and said the food was scarce, they were getting ready
to swallow Ethan up. Ethan ran out of their hole. He was too
scared to look behind. He ran under the door and found himself
on a dirty surface surrounded by tall buildings.
He found a Robin that had been bitten but he was too
scared to touch it. The Robin started talking so he went
closer to listen, as the robin was talking he whimpered as
well. The robin was talking about how their community got
ambushed by the Cats. The mouse stayed with the bird,
but whenever the mouse found food it would be finished
in seconds by the Robin. The next day the bird was ready
to make a new home. The mouse was scared of being alone
so he asked the bird could he come. Years later the robin had
eggs and they hatched, their whole family turned into an army.
The mouse helped them win wars and gather resources for
new nests.
Image result for robinImage result for forest

Part 2 coming up

Student Led Conference Term3 and Science Fair

Image result for glentaylor schoolI was at my cousins house waiting for my turn to go to Glen Taylor School, My turn was 2:15. At student led conference my teacher and me were talking about my goals and what I needed to work on. I really need to work on using words that I don't understand much. I was super impatient waiting to play with Sage and Zaw Min Oo. When we finally finished me and Zaw Min Oo was playing with Sages energetic dog.

Thursday, 25 July 2019

Smart Relationships

Smart Relationships

 A Smart Relationship is when your collaborating with someone you really trust or look up to.

2. I learned that you have to think before you post or comment anything.
3.You have to trust it with your heart until your fully sure.